Family Dinner With Guest

Wednesday, November 29th, was family dinner night, with an overseas visitor. Sort of. Karen is a family friend dating back to Loftus!

Graeme, Karen and Eva at extended family dinner at Illawong

The happy guests - Graeme with Eva, and Karen. Graeme is British, but we still accept him! They have just recently moved to Australia from the United Kingdom, and are currently adjusting to life (back) in Sydney. Tough choice, eh?

Baby Eva, at Illawong for extended family dinner

Little baby Eva. Quite wide awake, just absorbing all that is going on around her. Especially if it involves mum or dad!

Cooper and his dad Glenn at extended family dinner

Ah, some of the locals! Cooper with his dad Glenn. Obviously something has Cooper's attention.

Ladies to the Left Women at family extended dinner: Yvonne, Kelly, Karen and Michelle (back) with Cooper

Yvonne, Kelly, Michelle (back to camera, with Cooper in arms) and Karen

Men to the Right Men at extended family dinner: Cameron, Glenn, Graeme with Eva, Peter

Cameron, Glenn, Graeme with Eva and Peter

Ah, classic Australian party - women in one room, men in the other.

Afterwards we sat down to an excellent dinner. I think this was the night that we were expecting a Weber cooked meal, but the very windy conditions kept blowing the flame out, so it was back to the oven for the rest of the cooking. Still excellent, though!

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